Re-imagining LA County
Following the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Andres Guardado, and too many others, we led a successful campaign to pass Measure J—a ballot measure to divert funds away from law enforcement and into community services like mental health care, jobs training, education, and affordable housing.

1 — The Challenge
A “defund the police” message that reaches across the aisle
In a county where the Sheriff’s Department consumes nearly half of all tax dollars, “defund the police” is an understandable and necessary goal—but it’s also a tough sell amongst more moderate audiences.
We needed an approach that appealed to a broader base if we wanted to stand a chance against LA’s notoriously influential police union. So we flipped the message on its head.
Not “defund the police” but “invest in the community.”
2 — The Brand
Simple, bold, and responsive
As tensions with law enforcement reached a historic high, we had to move quickly to capitalize on the national conversation and transform civil unrest into targeted political advocacy.
We built our bold, no-frills Measure J brand in real time, emphasizing message over style—while still being visually appealing.

Brand Identity — The brand system featured a striking colorway and typography that highlighted the coalition’s radical mission—while remaining simple enough for partners to quickly and easily implement the brand in their own messaging.
Photography — The campaign was bolstered by original images from local photographer Mike Dennis. The black and white treatment stripped away the noise to highlight the raw emotions of the time.
3 — The Website
A site that grows with a movement
Featuring a donate page, sign up form, and key facts about the policy and Re-Imagine LA coalition, the first iteration of the site had a slim, straightforward layout that reflected the urgency of the moment.
We followed this up with a more robust web build that included dynamic data visuals, regularly-updated calls-to-action targeting key policymakers, deeper background on Measure J’s purpose, and the growing list of Re-Imagine LA allies.
Website — As the campaign evolved, the website—available in both Spanish and English—also featured shareable assets, campaign materials, FAQs, and even voter registration materials.
4 — The Campaign
Hitting the (digital) streets
We distilled extensive polling data to develop a messaging framework around the issues voters cared about: racial justice, health equity, housing, and jobs.
And with traditional door-to-door canvassing out of the question amidst the COVID-19 lockdown, we flooded the digital landscape with an aggressive social and ads strategy.
From a television spot (produced and executed in less than 3 days) to a fully fledged social media and online community engagement approach, Measure J quickly became a centerpiece of LA County’s police reform conversation.
Anthem Video — One of our most effective pieces of content was this anthem video voiced by campaign co-chair Isaac Bryan of the UCLA Black Policy Project.

Social Media — Hundreds of unique pieces of social content, paired with the social media toolkits we shared with coalition members, helped raise awareness of the campaign.
Shortform Video — Taking advantage of the early days of the online shift from static to video-based content, our video ads earned more than 1,000,000 views in a matter of weeks.
5 — The Impact
An electoral victory for the history books
In less than three months, we helped secure Measure J’s victory with 57.1% of the vote. That’s over 2.1 million supporters.
This isn’t just a historic milestone for LA County; it’s also a model for how we can begin correct unjust budgets and address racial inequity and police militarization in communities nationwide.
We’re proud to have led this campaign, and we look forward to playing an ongoing role in this crucial work.